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Orchids and Singapore
Vanda Miss Joaquim 

Orchid has been the national flower of Singapore. However, like many other nations which orchids are their national flowers, Singapore national flower was just any orchid flower. On15 April 1981, Vanda Miss Joaquim was officially given the honour of The National Flower of Singapore. One of the main reasons that it was chosen was that Vanda Miss Joaquim was the first natural hybrid discovered in Singapore.

The story goes: one morning in 1893, Miss Joaquim was loitering in her garden. She delightedly found the exquisitely beautiful orchid growing in a clump of bamboo. She showed the plant to Henry Ridley, the director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. After carefully examining the hybrid, he described the plant and registered the hybrid under her name. However, this was what he wrote:

“A few years ago Miss Joaquim a lady residing in Singapore, well-known for her success as a horticulturist, succeeded in crossing Vandan Hookeriana Rchb. F., and V. terres, two plants cultivated in almost every garden in Singapore. Unfortunately, no record was kept as to which was used as the male. The result has now appeared in the form of a very beautiful plant, quite intermediate between the two species and as I cannot find any record of this cross having been made before, I describe it herewith … It is a very lovely plant, and is, I think, a great improvement on both the parents, beautiful as they are. The plant is now grown at the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, where it is being propagated by cuttings.”

Whatever the case, whether Vanda Miss Joaquim was a natural hybrid by chance or a deliberate artificial crossing, the beautiful Vanda Miss Joaquim has a very significant status in Singapore orchid hybridization history.

Arachnis Maggie Oei
The orchid-hybridization program in the Singapore Botanic Gardens was initiated more than 70 years ago by Professor R. E. Holttum. His first hybrid, Spathoglottis Primrose (Spathoglottis aurea x Spathoglottis plicata), flowered in 1931. In collaboration with orchid lovers like John Laycock, he produced hybrids such as Aranthera James Storie (Arachnis hookeriana x Renanthera storiei) and Arachnis Maggie Oei (Arachnis hookeriana x Arachnis flos-aeris), both of which became important cut-flowers for many years.
Celebrity Orchids
Dendrobium Memoria Princess Diana 
Dendrobium Elizabeth 
Mokara Zhu  Rongji 'Lao An'
Some New Orchids Hybrids...
Phalaenopsis Hew Choy Sin
In remembrance of Professor Hew Choy Sin’s receipt of the NTU Outstanding Alumni Award, this special orchid hybrid was named in honour of him. It also serves to commemorate his achievements in his career, relentless guidance to his students and his outstanding contributions to orchid research.
Registered on 16th Jan 2006.
Phalaenopsis Datin Su Lan
The colour of hybrids segregated range from clear yellow petals pink sepals to striking dark orangey-orchre concentric bars and white centre. Petals inwards-curving, sepals rounded and inclined. The inflorescence of the Phalaenopsis Datin Su Lan exudes an air of nobility, exquisiteness and elegance.
Registered on 10th Oct 2005, the most  appropriate get well gift for the orchid lover.
Menziesara St Anthony's LaSalle
This unique and exquisite orchid hybrid  has won the Orchidville Challenge Cup for the Best multigeneric Vandaceous  hybrid during the Singapore Orchid Festival in September 2003.
Registered on 13th July 2004 to mark the celebration of 125th Anniversary of St Anthony’s Primary School.
Vanda Shum Yip Leong
This astounding dark pink hybrid is the finest Vanda Quarter terete ever created in the region. This hybrid is noted for its exquisite substance, flat, overlapping petals and pleasing striking pink colours. Being hybrid from 2 famous parents, it inherited not only the best traits but an enhancement of overall quality and aesthetic value over the parents.
Registered on 10th Oct 2005 in memorial of late Shum Yip Leong by his son, Mr KC Shum.
Renantanda Science Arts 
This beautiful new hybrid has a tall, erect and branching spike carrying some 20-30 medium size-flowers of pleasant erythrite red to yellow-orange. Flowers long lasting and very much improved over most Renantanda hybrids bearing the orange flowers.
Registered on November 15, 2008 to mark the 40th Anniversary of Science Arts co. Pte Ltd – a TCM leader in Singapore.
Dendrobium Hai Sing
Just registered 0n 22nd July 09 for Hai Sing Catholic School.
Renantanda Polyetheramine Singapore
to mark the opening ceremony of
Huntsman's first greenfield
site in Asia Pacific.
Registered on August 28, 2007.
Dendrobium FDI Singapore
Just registered on 17th August 09 for FDI World Dental Federation for its Annual World Congress held in Singapore from 2-5th Sept 09.
Paravandrum St Stephen's
Its colours range from light yellow to brownish gold and occasionally smoke grey, beige to apricot. When the plant matures, the spray length is expected to reach 40 - 45cm and is long-lasting. The plant is very free- flowering, hardy and can be cultivated under full sunlight.
Registered on 1st July 2003 to mark the opening of new school building for St. Stephen’s Primary School.
 New orchid hybrids are available for naming and registeration. For more details, please email bugsnbuds@yahoo.com