Bugs & Buds
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    The fine acrylic embedded orchid flower collections
 During prehistoric times, sap produced by trees engulfed insects and plants, freezing their every motion and trapping them in time. The sap solidifed after millions of years and a warm golden stone, Amber was born. This process is now skillfully recreated by our craftsmen to preserve flora and fauna of today in their most natural forms. The splendour of lives trapped in time and frozen in motion, can only be experienced with our fine Amber@rt collections.  
Each Amber@rt piece is a labour of love, glorifying the beauty of nature and encapsulating its own natural creation. No two pieces are alike. 
Geometry Series 
Jungle Series 
Ocean Series 
Jungle Series 
Picture Frame 
Jungle Series  
 Ocean Series 
Precious Box
Nepenthes Series 
 Fauna Series
 Memo Clip (Ocean Series)
 Customised Corp Gift