Bugs & Buds

 Learning is Naturally Fun
   Life Science Workshops
Outside textbook
Family bonding
Team building
Staff welfare 
Learning Journey
Application of life-sciences
Exploration & Experiential
Creativity inspiration
Creating your own tabletop-garden, making orchid souvenirs for your friends, planting an orchid to add a new member to your balcony landscaping, even creating your own new breed of orchid, these programs are designed and run by professionally qualified trainer. With lively presentation, live demonstrations and hands-on sessions, the workshops are designed to make learning fun and enjoyable so that participants can take home not only the knowledge of the course but also the learning experience as well.  
       Workshops available:
Amazing Orchids
Appreciate one of the
nature wonders - Orchids
Orchid & Craft
Enhance your creativity
with orchids
Orchid Cultivation
Add a beautiful member
to your landscaping 
Orchid Hybridization
Create your own orchid Hybrid
Brighten up your home
with a tabletop-garden
EM Compost
Turn your food waste into
living soil 
 Tailored programs are also available. For more details, please email enquiries to bugsnbuds@yahoo.com