There are over 12,000 species of moss in the world. They are hearty and versatile green plants that grow in shaded and moist areas in most parts of the world. Commonly manifesting as small, soft plants, mosses clump together in damp, dark areas to form small pads or blankets of greenery on rocks, the bark of trees, around the edges of streams, and even on the brick wall of our houses. They are a very interesting group of plants. Probably due to its size, we often pass by it without taking a closer look at it.
Mosses add a certain calmness and stillness to a yard that makes one feel at ease. The Japanese believe in this and have created elaborate moss gardens and adorned their temples with the plant for centuries. They believe that moss provides a sense of serenity and peace of mind and is in concert with the spiritual aspects that help guide our lives.
Mosses' preference of living in dampness and low light conditions make them the ideal candidate for indoor gardening, especially in a closed terrarium. Not only do they provide soothing shades of green and incredibly eye-catching textures, mosses thrive on negligence. Once watered thoroughly, the micro-landscape of an enclosed moss terrarium requires next to nothing other than adequate light to keep it flourishing – even for months without needing to add water. The moisture in the terrarium recycles as through vaporization and condensation, returning as water droplets to the terrarium moss. The enclosed environment also keeps it free from mosquito and other pests, making it highly appropriate as greenery display for offices and homes. |